我的钢笔是黑白相间的,用英语应该说成 "My pen is black and white."
black and white 这个短语在英语中有两种常用意思:
第一种意思是指黑白相间或黑白混杂的,如 "a black and white photograph" (黑白照片), "a black and white striped shirt" (黑白条纹衬衫)。
第二种意思是指非常明显的对立,如 "the situation is black and white" (情况很明显), "the issue is not black and white" (问题并不简单)
The cat is black and white.
The print on this shirt is black and white.
He pkes to see things in black and white, he can't handle the gray areas.
This is a black and white issue, right and wrong are clearly defined.
这些句子都使用了“black and white”这个短语。在第一句和第二句中,“black and white”用来描述物品颜色。在第三句和第四句中,“black and white”用来描述事情的明显对立性。